COP3 Assessment £550
An evaluation of a person’s mental ability may be documented in the form of a Court of Protection Form, which is referred to as a CoP3 Capacity Assessment. Because the court form had the number 3, the designation “Court of Protection 3” was given to it.
Just Health has a significant amount of expertise in the field of COP3 assessment of capacity. Depending on the nature of the decision being evaluated, the evaluation may fall within the purview of the Mental Capacity Act (2005) and its two-stage test, or it may be subject to another legal standard, such as Dunhill v. Burgin (2014).
COP3 Assessment Form
We determine a person’s mental ability based on their response to any one particular inquiry. The report that we produce is known as a COP3 assessment of capacity form.
In most cases, the evaluation is carried out in preparation for making choices on either health and welfare or property and financial affairs.
After that, the form may be used to provide evidence to the court in many different scenarios. If the client cannot make their own decisions, a deputy will be appointed to help them.
Just Health provides its customers with a service that is uncomplicated, trouble-free, and framed in language that is easily understandable by laypeople. Our Cop3 Assessments consist of a single visit to the client’s residence, an evaluation, travel time, reading time, and a review of the documents.