Private Sport Medical for Sportsmen, Injuries & Referees

Private Sport Medical for Sportsmen, Injuries & Referees

Contact us for a personalised Private sport Medical , FIFA Referee medical or a private GP consultation. We understand the difficulty sportsmen have in trying to see their own GP for a medical. At Just Health we have Competent Doctors that will carry out your medical at times convenient to you!

What does a Medical examination involve?

The examination includes an eye test, blood pressure check, urinalysis and a thorough examination (including the cardiac & musculoskeletal systems). We are able to organise a series of tailored blood tests, ECG’s, lung function test and MRI scans of limbs and organs.

We also carry out Joint Injections and cupping therapy for repetitive strain injuries, please check out our private GP Services.

    • Photo ID
    • Your driving glasses/contact lenses & prescription
    • Details of any ongoing medical conditions
    • Prescription medications that you are taking


More information

    • GMC Registered Doctors
    • Weekend & Evening appointments
    • Nationwide Clinics
    • Eye test included
    • Open 7 days a week
    • Click Here to Book Medical Now



  • Photo ID ( Birth certificate, marriage certificate, medical card, driving licence, passport, paid utility bills, bank or building society cards or statements, National Insurance number card, payslip, letter from Benefits Agency, papers from Home Office)
  • Your driving glasses/contact lenses & prescription.
  • Details of any ongoing medical conditions.
  • Prescription medications that you are taking.
  • DVLA STANDARD D4 MEDICAL FORM. Please fill in the grey section on page 1 (left hand side) ‘Your details’ and page 8 (consent and declaration) alongwith your name and date of birth at the foot of all other pages on the D4.


  • Pay over the phone when you secure your booking
  • Book Online via secure payment system
  • Pay on the day is available, (Please ask when booking, Cash Payments on the day are accepted at most clinics).


Our Locations