TFL Taxi Driver Medical

TFL Taxi driver medical can be completed by our General Practitioner. On the other hand, decisions on who may carry them out are made by local authorities and not the DVLA. The vast majority of local authorities allow any general practitioner to carry out taxi medicals, however some require that the driver’s own general practitioner be the one to do so.

Please make sure that any general practitioner is able to do your medical examination before making a reservation by obtaining the necessary medical form and checking with your local authority to ensure this.


Because each Local Authority decides which questions and tests are included in the medical exam, our examination will be different depending on which Local Authority we are testing with. However, each individual’s eyes will be examined, and their blood pressure will be measured. Each medical examination is required to adhere to the same standards that a driver must fulfil in order to meet Group 2 Medical Standards. If you go to the website of your local authority and search for ‘Taxi Licensing,’ you will be able to locate your medical form online and have an idea of what is required of you.


When performing the TFL taxi driver medical exam, certain local authorities need a doctor to have access to the patient’s medical records. Your primary care physician’s office may need to be contacted in order to make this request.

TFL Taxi Driver Medical



The frequency of taxi medical exams required for TfL drivers in London, England depends on the driver’s age and health condition.

For most drivers, a taxi medical exam is required every five years up to the age of 45, and then annually thereafter. However, if the driver has a medical condition that may affect their ability to drive, they may be required to have more frequent medical exams.

It is important for TfL drivers to maintain good health and keep up with their medical requirements, as this is a key part of ensuring public safety and maintaining the high standards of the taxi industry.


The cost of a taxi medical exam with Just Health in the UK may vary, as the fees charged by medical exam providers can differ. To determine the exact cost of a taxi medical exam with Just Health, I would recommend contacting them directly. They should be able to provide you with up-to-date information on their fees, as well as any other details you need to know to schedule an appointment.


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